Welcome, sacred seeker! I'm Kathleen Joan, a priestess of Brigid.
I'm a former Catholic school religion teacher who found the Goddess - and realized that if God can be She, then She can truly live in me!
My mission is to help people from Christian backgrounds relate to the Divine Feminine (God/dess as She)...
...so you can reclaim your deep sacredness in Her image, and become part of Her healing for today's world.
I know She can help you step into your Divine Feminine power and purpose, as She has done for me!
Get started now with my free guide, "5 Ways to Connect with the Sacred Feminine Daily!"
This guide will help you:
Claim your true sacredness in Her image
Understand how relationship with Her helps to build a more just world (by ending systems of oppression like sexism, racism, and abuse of the earth!)
Maybe you're here because you've been hurt by patriarchy in church and society.
Or maybe you've walked away from religion entirely, because it wasn't speaking to the need for healing that you see in our world every day.
What if you could reclaim the true sacredness of the Feminine within you - in the image of the Divine Mother?
What if She could guide you to play your unique part in Her return - which is also the healing and rebalancing of our world?
You'll find out about...
Join a circle of wise & wild women for an online mini-retreat at the New Moon!
Each New Moon Goddess Circle features a guest expert teaching us about a particular aspect of the Sacred Feminine, connected to the astrology of the New Moon.
These gatherings are official Wild Woman Project Circles, including guided meditation, journaling, sharing, and ritual intention-setting to help you tap into your deep inner wisdom for the upcoming moon cycle.
Sliding scale pricing is available, and all who identify as female are welcome. Join us!